Can I receive a refund if an event is cancelled?
If we have a week’s notice, a full refund will be given. Cancelling anything in less than a week will be either prorated or credit will be issued.

How many therapists should I book?
I usually recommend 10 to 15 minutes a piece for each person to get massaged. If you have 100 people that need massage……that would be 1,000 minutes (10 min. each). Those minutes would be used best by having at least two therapists. Two therapists will get to everyone in 8 hours, or three therapists will get to everyone in 5.5 hours.

(1000 min. divided by # of therapists divided by 60= x hours)

How do I purchase gift certificates if I do not have a credit card?
Please call us at (818) 795-3111 and we could send your certificate to you or to a friend/client by mail.

How many days in advance do I need to book a service?
The sooner the better, however I need at least 24 hours.